Guiding Principles, Strategies & Legislation

As we move forward, our work to resume and redesign care will be guided by seven principles. At the center, is our commitment to put patients at the heart of everything we do.

Guiding Principles

Patient Centered Care

We will put patients at the heart of everything we do.

Agile Decision Making

We will streamline our processes and structure to enable agile decision making.


We will maintain our infection prevention and control practices, and be ready to respond to the needs of our community and potential next wave of cases.

Digital Health

We will adopt and expand digital tools, virtual programs and services to support and enhance patient care now and in the future.

Diversity & Inclusion

We will recognize the dignity and worth of every person, reflect the diversity of our community, work to eliminate racism and discrimination and champion equity and inclusion.

Innovative Next Practices

We will enhance patient care through the exploration and adoption of emerging, promising and leading practices.

Integration & Collaboration

We will break down silos to encourage integration and collaboration.

Optimize Resources

We will optimize human and material resources to ensure efficient and effective operation.  



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