Mandatory Management Order - FAQs

Are there Joseph Brant Hospital staff working at Tyndall Seniors Village?

There is a small number of JBH staff who have been supporting Tyndall on a temporary basis, providing infection prevention and control, education and environmental leadership. If additional resources are required, we anticipate that any immediate needs will be supported by the local LHIN and agencies. No front-line health care providers at JBH have been deployed at this time.

JBH has worked closely with and supported other retirement homes and long-term care homes in outbreak over the course of the pandemic. We are proud of our staff who are supporting Tyndall, and others who answered the call for help in other homes to support one of our most vulnerable populations. All our staff and physicians have gone above and beyond during these challenging and uncertain times.

Does this increase the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the hospital?

No. Everyone must pass active screening before entering the hospital, and are required to adhere to strict infection prevention and control practices, such as masking and physically distancing. For staff, these practices include wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment when providing patient care. Following these practices and remaining vigilant is the most important thing we can do to protect everyone’s health and safety.

Will residents in Tyndall who have COVID-19 and need hospital care be transferred to JBH?

Tyndall residents who require hospitalization are currently receiving that care in Peel Region. Should there be a need to decant the facility, a regional command table monitoring the situation in Peel would be responsible for developing and implementing solutions.

Will this impact scheduled surgeries and procedures at JBH?

Our work in managing Tyndall will not have a direct impact on scheduled care at JBH. The daily review of hospital demands across the region will guide decisions around any potential disruptions of service that may arise.

Hospitals in Hamilton, Niagara, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant and Burlington (HNHNBB region) have created a regional COVID-19 model of care plan with the goal of supporting any increases in COVID-19 care needs, while minimizing any potential disruption of scheduled, regional, and community care across our region. You can find more information here.

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