Celebrating Pharmacy Appreciation Month

Posted on Thursday March 21, 2024

This month, we recognize the invaluable contributions of our pharmacy team to the wellness of the patients at Joseph Brant Hospital (JBH). Nicole and Monica, members of the pharmacy oncology team, share what inspired them to pursue pharmacy medicine and their experiences at JBH.

“Monica and I both enjoy environments that provide room for personal growth, continual learning, and being able to have a positive impact on patient’s health and well-being. We enjoy teaching others and have been preceptors to students throughout our time at JBH. There is nothing more rewarding than being able to shape future health care providers.”

Nicole, an oncology pharmacist, is responsible for the medication therapy management for patients with cancer. She works collaboratively with oncologists to adjust anti-cancer medications based on lab results and the patient’s unique health goals. She also provides drug information to various members of the healthcare team to support education and the safe administration of the medications.

Nicole began her journey at JBH in 2010, where she worked briefly in oncology before transitioning to acute medicine. With a passion for continued education, she returned to school in 2015 to complete her Pharm D. In 2022, she transitioned back to oncology during a challenging period when the clinic was implementing a new computerized order entry system.

“The pharmacy team prioritized patient medication safety one treatment plan at a time.  Being involved in this process helped me grow professionally and improved the team dynamic as well.”

Monica, a pharmacy technician, prepares and compounds sterile hazardous medications. She ensures that products are prepared correctly using her aseptic technique and skills. She began her journey at JBH in 2010. Monica lost her mother shortly after starting at JBH, which has fueled her passion for delivering exceptional patient care.

“I always want to advocate for the patient, keeping their wishes in hand.”

Thank you to our pharmacy team who bring their passion, commitment and dedication to the patients at Joseph Brant Hospital.


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