Take Care of Yourself - International Self-Care Day

Posted on Wednesday July 19, 2023

International Self-Care Day happens each year on July 24 and is an opportunity to raise awareness about self-care and its essential role in healthy lifestyles.

Self-care is anything you can do to take care of yourself to stay physically, mentally and emotionally well.

Natasha, our Well-Being Specialist shares a few ways that you can take some time to practice self-care.

1) Eat healthy food and stay hydrated

  • A balanced diet can help improve your energy, mood and focus. 
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables and try to limit unhealthy food.
  • Make water your drink of choice.

2) Exercise

  • Move your body for 30 minutes each day to help improve your mood and health.
  • Walking, riding a bike or taking an exercise class are great ways to move your body daily.

3) Sleep

  • Make sleep a priority and aim for 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. If you are having trouble falling asleep, reduce the amount of blue light exposure from your phone, TV or computer screen a few hours before bedtime.

4) Connect

  • We need human connection. It helps to boost mental health and improve our quality of life.
  • Chat with a loved one on the phone, join a local group like a hiking group or book club, or consider volunteering.
  • Reaching out to professional support can be another important way to connect. 


Learn more self-care tips here: https://selfcare.ca/health-literacy/

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