Tracie, a Patient Family Advisor at Joseph Brant Hospital, represents a new outlook on cancer care. As the first Patient Family Advisor on the hospital's regional Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) Council, she embodies the hospital's continued commitment to deliver responsive, respectful, person-centred care.
"When I was first diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, I felt scared, angry and alone," she recalls. "Having a people-centred approach to cancer care means that you are seen as a person with feelings and needs," she explains. "Your care team hears your concerns and helps educate you and navigate you through the healthcare system."
"I wanted to give back to the community," Tracie adds. "I saw an ad on Facebook where JBH was looking for Patient Family Advisors to give their perspective on the patient experience."
The theme "United by Unique" resonates deeply with her. In addition to patient surveys, consultation with community members and volunteers; she's helping redesign the Family Resource Room to improve access to cancer education and information.
"Being the PFA for Oncology, I can give the patient's perspective on the future design of the room," she notes. Her work ensures the space truly meets patients' current needs and enhances their care experience.
Her appreciation for the JBH’s care is profound. "I receive amazing care at the hospital," she shares. "Not just from my Oncologist and Oncology nurse, but everyone I encounter during my treatment is exceptional."
"Every patient's journey is unique," Tracie often says. Her ultimate goal remains clear: "To represent the patient, give my perspective and help improve the cancer patient experience."
In her words, “Hope resonates. Each patient is unique. Each story matters.”