Patient and Family Advisors (PFAs) play a crucial role in healthcare settings, contributing to improved patient experiences, safety, and overall quality of care. Joseph Brant Hospital (JBH) developed its Patient Family Advisory Council in 2020, and our PFAs have partnered with our staff and physicians to bring the patient/family perspective to various initiatives, committees, and quality-of-care councils.
Partnering with our PFAs benefits the Patient Experience in the following ways;
- Provide diverse viewpoints based on their personal experiences as patients or family members.
- Collaborate with hospital staff, physicians, and leadership to co-design policies, procedures, and practices that ensure person-centred decisions.
- Our PFAs contribute to improving quality by offering unique perspectives on areas that could be enhanced, thereby contributing to safer and more effective care experiences.
- Advisory council contributes to better decision-making and patient outcomes.
“Having a PFA on our committee helps ground our team and enables us to see things through lived experiences and feedback from friends and family,” JBH Director.
Are you interested in joining the Patient Family Advisory Council?