
If your ophthalmologist determines that you require cataract surgery, you may be referred to Joseph Brant Hospital.


The Howard & Betty Geiss Ophthalmology suite is located on Level 1 of the south tower.

Hours of Operation

Procedures are scheduled between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday to Friday. 


  • Read and complete the documents in the "Pre-operative Preparation for you Eye Surgery" package, provided to your by your doctor. Be sure to bring these documents with you on the day of surgery.
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the day before your surgery.
  • You should take all regular oral medications with a small sip of water the morning of surgery. Diabetics patients on insulin should NOT take any Insulin the morning of surgery. Please bring your insulin with you to the hospital.

What to expect the day of Surgery

  • Arrive 2 hours prior to your appointment.
  • Check-in at the registration desk on Level 1 of the South Tower.
  • You will receive an armband with your name and personal health information relevant to your visit. To ensure safety and quality of care, it will be checked many times during your care.
  • If you have selected an upgraded lens, you will need to show your payment confirmation (e.g. receipt) and Lens Agreement on the day of your procedure.  Payments can be made for any upgraded lens within two weeks prior to your surgery date.

To complete the payment for your lens, the payment options are:

Paying your bill by telephone via credit card

Monday–Friday (8:30am – 4:30pm)

For invoices starting with “I” – (e.g. IA01234567) please call 905-336-4137.

For all other invoices – please call 905-681-4833.

Paying your bill at a financial institution

Online/in-person using your Patient Account Number. We do not accept e-transfers.

Paying your bill online

Patients can pay their bill online using our secure payment portal.  A minimal service fee will apply to patients paying their bill by web.

Paying your bill by mail via cheque

Payable to Joseph Brant Hospital.

Please include your Patient Account Number. When paying your bill by mail, do not send cash.

Joseph Brant Hospital
Attention: Financial Services
1245 Lakeshore Road,
Burlington, Ontario,
L7S 0A2

Paying your in-person via debit/credit card (AFTER HOURS)

Admitting & Registration Desk

Monday–Friday 4:30pm–8:00pm

Saturday–Sunday and holidays 8:00am–7:00pm

Paper copy of your invoice/statement is required.

For questions on payment, please call Finance at 905-336-4114 Monday–Friday (8:30am – 4:30pm)

  • After you have registered, you will wait in the waiting area of the Howard & Betty Geiss Ophthalmology suite. A nurse will call for you by name and bring you to the pre-operative area. They will review your chart, check your vital signs and complete the pre-operative checklist.

After surgery

  • Most patients are ready to go home 60 to 90 minutes after surgery is complete.
  • You will need to have a quick follow up with the doctor approximately 1 hour after surgery before you can leave the hospital.
  • You must have an adult with you when you go home. You cannot leave the hospital alone using public transit.
  • You cannot drive for 24 hours after your surgery.