Pregnancy is a very special time. At Joseph Brant Hospital, whether you are having a vaginal or cesarean birth, we support childbirth as a natural process. It is our goal to ensure you have a safe and satisfying childbirth experience that respects your personal, cultural and spiritual choices.
- Registering to have a baby at Joseph Brant Hospital
- Prenatal Classes & Tours
- Hospital Packing List
- Labour & Delivery *Labour and Birth Resources here
- Mother and Child Unit (Maternity) *Postpartum and Newborn Resources here
Prenatal Classes
To meet the ongoing needs of our community, Halton Region Public Health is offering prenatal classes online.
Prenatal Tours
Maternal & Child Program virtual tour coming soon!
Thank you for choosing Joseph Brant Hospital. Pregnancy is a very special time. It is our goal to ensure you have a safe and satisfying childbirth experience that respects your personal, cultural and spiritual choices.
Advance registration
Registering in advance, is a great way to ensure your admission goes simple and smooth when it is time to have your baby.
If you register with us during your pregnancy, you can provide us with information such as your room preference and insurance coverage so we’ll be all set up for you when you arrive in labour.
You will receive a registration package from your physician or midwife.
When to register
We encourage you to register when you are approximately 30 weeks pregnant.
How to register
Take the registration package to the Admitting, located on Level 1 of the South Tower.
What to bring
- Ensure you have your Ontario Health Card or proof of medical coverage
- Bring your complete registration package with pre-anesthetic questionnaire and supplementary insurance information.
Important information about your insurance
We encourage you to carefully review your insurance coverage. If you have supplementary insurance, we will bill them on your behalf, with the understanding that the responsibility for full payment remains with you
The Labour and Delivery Unit provides care to pregnant, labouring persons and newborns.
The Labour and Delivery Unit is located on Level 2 of the North tower.
The unit has private rooms equipped with a bed, reclining chair, shower and birthing ball. You will labour and deliver your baby in this room. If you require a caesarean section (C-section), either planned or unplanned, you will deliver in the operating room.
What to expect
While in the Labour and Delivery Unit, your health care team may include Midwives, Physicians and Nurses. To ensure you have a wonderful birth experience, discuss your birth plan and expectations with your health care team.
Our team is trained in supportive care in labour, and will be in the room with you for most of your labour. They will provide information, support and clinical care.
Pain management options are provided as needed.
A few hours after you have delivered your baby, you and your newborn will move to the Maternal Child Unit.
Visiting Labour & Delivery
Labouring persons may have up to 2 consistent support people/Essential Care Providers (ECPs) in their labour room at all times. Only one support person is permitted in the operating room during cesarean births.
Labour & Birth Resources
A few hours after you have delivered your baby, you and your newborn will move to the Maternal Child Unit. You will remain here until you are discharged home.
See our Postpartum and Newborn Resources to help you transition to life with a newborn.
The Maternal Child Unit is located on Level 2 of the North tower.
The unit has private, semi-private and standard rooms. When possible, your room will align with your preferred accommodation request.
What to Expect
While on the Maternal Child Unit, your health care team may include physicians, midwives, lactation consultants and nurses.
Our team will help you care for yourself and your baby. This includes:
- feeding your baby
- addressing your physical and emotional needs
- ensuring you are ready for the changes you may experience in the first few weeks after the birth of your child.
During your stay, we will work with you to develop a discharge plan. The goal is to get you and your baby home as soon as it is safe to do so. The average hospital length of stay postpartum is:
- Vaginal birth: 24 hours after delivery
- Caesarean birth: 48 hours after delivery
When Will I Go Home?
For our general discharge criteria, please click here.
When it is time for you to go home, we will give you after care instructions, tell you what to watch out for, and discuss any appointments you need for follow up.
It is very important to make an appointment with your baby’s care provider within the first 24-48 hours of going home.
Visiting the Mother and Child Unit
Once transferred to the Mother and Child Unit, a patient may have two individuals present at the bedside during visiting hours, and one support person/Essential Care Partner (ECP) stay overnight.
We are unable to accommodate children/siblings overnight on our unit.
We suggest you limit the people visiting you and your baby to your partner, your parents and your children. This is an important time to focus on your care, rest, recovery and learning how to take care of your new baby.
Postpartum and Newborn Resources
Register your newborn's birth here.
- Postpartum Guide Booklet - Best Start
- Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Postpartum
- What to Expect in the First 3 Months
- Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder
- Normal Newborn Behaviour
- How to Bathe your Newborn
- Safe Sleep - Best Start
- Car Seat Safety - Halton
- Newborn Screening Ontario
Newborn Feeding
- Breastfeeding Clinic at Joseph Brant Hospital
- Breastfeeding Matters Booklet - Best Start
- Getting Enough to Eat - Breastfeeding
- What to Look for when Breastfeeding
- Halton Baby Friendly Initiative
- Signs that Feeding is Going Well
- Infant Formula: What you Need to Know
For access to mother and newborn resources in French and 17 other languages, please visit the Best Start website.
Adapted with permission of Ottawa Public Health. For educational and non-commercial purposes only.
How do I get to?
Second floor of the North Tower - 2N 506
From the Parking Garage:
- Make your way to the second floor of the Parking Garage.
- Cross the walkway to the hospital.
- Stop at Admitting to register for your visit.
- Continue past the Cafeteria and the Information Desk and walk along the corridor with the wavy wall.
- When you come to the North Tower, take the elevator to the second floor.
- Exit the elevator and turn left – there are signs for the Maternal/Child Clinics.
- Enter through the push doors on the right. 2N506 is the third door on the left.
Directions from North Shore Blvd (North Tower) Entrance:
- Take the North Tower elevator to the second floor.
- Exit the elevator and turn left.
- Follow signs to the Maternal and Child Clinics.
- Enter through the push doors on the right. Room 2N506 is the third door on the left