Medical Daycare provides infusions, transfusions and phlebotomies on an outpatient basis.
Medical Daycare is located within Ambulatory Care, on Level 1 of the North tower (1N 600).
Hours of Operation
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Patients are seen by referral.
Referrals must be completed by a physician. To refer a patient for treatment, complete the Doctors Order and consent form and fax to 905-681-4817.
Patients are booked on a priority basis.
- Iron infusions
- Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) infusions
- Blood transfusion
- First dose antibiotic infusions
- Phlebotomies
- Ensure you have your Ontario Health Card or proof of medical coverage
- Arrive no more than 15 minutes prior to your appointment
- Check-in at the registration desk and then proceed to waiting area C
What to expect
- Your visit will take at least an hour or more depending on your treatment
- Blood and other laboratory work may be required depending on the assessment.
Medical Daycare Clinic
P: 905-632-3730 ext. 8499
F: 905-681-4817