
About the Excellent Care for All Act and the Public Reporting of Quality Improvement Plans (QIP):

In June 2010, the Ontario Government passed the Excellent Care for All Act. This legislation is designed to put patients first with a focus on the health care sector's accountability for delivering high quality patient care.

One of the ways this accountability is being made transparent is through the requirement that all hospitals create and make public annual Quality Improvement Plans (QIP). With these plans, every hospital in Ontario is expected to set targets aimed at making improvements in the areas of Safety, Effectiveness, Access and Patient-Centredness.

In addition hospitals are encouraged to set their own targets that reflect information from patient and/or employee surveys and other internal data sources such as the Patient Experience process. This will ensure plans reflect the feedback from the community and are focused on meaningful improvements.

Quality improvement is an ongoing process that helps us continually find new and better ways of doing things so that we can enhance care for patients, increase satisfaction and achieve even better clinical outcomes. Our Quality Improvement Plan helps us document and review our current performance in a variety of areas. With this plan, we will be able to clearly see our targeted areas for improvement and chart our progress.

Our Quality Improvement Plan 2024-2025

JBH has created a spreadsheet that outlines our core set of quality indicators against which we will measure performance improvements for 2024-25. We invite you to read our 2024-25 goals below.


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