Joseph Brant Hospital moves to online procurement service!
The Materials Management team at Joseph Brant Hospital is pleased to announce that we are streamlining our procurement services to allow for a fully-integrated and online e-procurement solution that will allow vendors to view, register and submit proposals entirely online in one quick, easy and convenient location.
About Us
Welcome to JBH Purchasing. Our dedicated team of professionals provide supply chain services, expertise and support to internal customers within JBH as well as our vendor community.
We use leading healthcare supply chain practices to procure quality goods and services for our hospital and patients and achieve best value for your tax dollars.
Using standardized processes that are fair, open and transparent, we select qualified and responsible suppliers and manage supplier performance responsibly and effectively.
Our procurement model leverages our Group Purchasing and Shared Services Partners where opportunities exist.
Some goods and services are procured independently where the Purchasing department issues tenders for Direct Purchases.
For more information please read our Purchasing Policy and Supply Chain Code of Ethics.
Surplus Auction
The Hospital disposes of surplus goods through an Online Auction open to the public.
Group Purchasing and Shared Services Partners
JBH is a member of the following organizations, all of which are contracting agents :
- Medbuy Corporation, a National Group Procurement Organization (GPO), sources a wide variety of medical/surgical and other supplies for the hospital.
- Mohawk Shared Service Inc., a Shared Services Organization (SSO), provides the hospital with sourcing services as well as a shared warehouse.
- St. Joseph's Health System Group Purchasing Organization provides general supplier pricing and terms on various equipment through its procurement process.
Although pricing and contract terms are confidential, suppliers need to be aware that information will be shared with our contracting agents as required.
Direct Purchases
Competitive Bidding Process
JBH purchases all goods and services in accordance with hospital policy, the Broader Public Sector Procurement Directives, and the Agreement on Internal Trade, all of which require competitive bidding whenever possible
Competitive tenders for goods and services valued at $100,000 or more are posted on Merx, the electronic tendering system used by the hospital. JBH may elect to post tenders publically for values less than $100,000 on a direct basis.
Timeline for posting Competitive Procurements
JBH provides a minimum response time of 15 calendar days for procurement of goods and services valued at $100,000 or more. Often additional response time is offered, particularly for procurements of high complexity, risk, and/or dollar value.
Health and Safety
Suppliers and contractors who provide labour and installation services to the Hospital require proof of Workplace Safety Insurance (WSIB) and a Certificate of Insurance that reflects the minimum level of insurance identified in the tender. Additional health and safety and/or infection control requirements may be needed dependent upon the nature of the services provided.
JBH is committed to providing equal treatment to people with disabilities with respect to the use and benefit of goods, services and facilities in a manner that respects their dignity and that is equitable in relation to the broader public. In accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code, Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (ODA) and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA), JBH will accommodate for a disability, ensuring full and equitable participation throughout the RFP process. If a proponent requires information in a different format to accommodate a disability, the proponent shall contact JBH as soon as possible and in any event prior to the Question Deadline. The RFP in the different format will be issued only to the requesting proponent and all addenda will be issued in such different format only to the requesting proponent.
Information and communications (without limitation, documents, materials and presentations) provided to Joseph Brant Hospital in a submission, shall be provided in an AODA compliant format, and conform to World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA.
When procuring goods, services and facilities, JBH acquires goods that are reflective of accessibility standards. Where applicable, Proponents shall incorporate accessibility features into their designs and adhere to JBH’s guidelines or criteria where specified. Upon request, all training, manuals, instructions or supporting documentation provided to JBH during the term of an agreement shall be made available in an accessible format.
Documents & Forms
- New Vendor Application Form
- Vendor Notice Regarding Invoice Payment
- Vendor Notice Regarding PHI Invoice Payment
- COVID-19 Immunization and Management Contractor Policy
- JBH Directive 6 Letter
- Attestation of Compliance with JBH
- Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
- Broader Public Sector (BPS) Procurement Directive
- Procurement Guideline for Publically Funded Organizations
- Trade and Cooperation Agreement between Ontario and Quebec
- Vendor Credentialing
Procurement FAQs
The Purchasing/Materials Management office is located in Room B122 of the hospital at 1230 North Shore Blvd, Burlington, Ontario, L7S 1W7.
The Shipping/Receiving docks are located at the rear of the hospital, accessible from the Service Entrance off of Lakeshore Road.
Mon-Fri 0800-1630 hours (except Statutory Holidays).
Vendors that wish to introduce new products and/or services are asked to please contact the JBH Purchasing department at (905) 632-3737 ext 4127 prior to soliciting business elsewhere in the Hospital.
Yes, vendors completing installations are responsible for removal and disposal of packaging.
Yes, JBH expects all third party vendors which includes vendors, service providers, contractors/sub-contractors, community partners and representatives to vaccinated. The vendor will be expected to attest to the fully vaccinated status of those assigned to JBH.
For Suppliers
Vendor representatives are asked to adhere to the following procedures in order to save time for everyone and to ensure a fair process for all vendors.
Vendors who have not previously dealt with the Hospital must contact the purchasing department and ask to speak with the buyer responsible for the commodities or services in which the vendor is interested.
After the initial contact, vendor representatives may maintain ongoing contact with the buyer responsible for the procurement of the company’s products. It is important to keep purchasing staff informed about products and services, so they can maintain their knowledge of the marketplace and Hospital suppliers.
Vendors shall refrain from any communication with any Hospital staff member, including Physicians and Clinicians, during an open competitive procurement process, without the prior written consent of the Hospital’s Procurement Specialist.
Hospital staff members are permitted to directly request a visit from a representative and make their own such arrangements. No vendor representatives shall attend the hospital campus for business reasons without a pre-arranged, confirmed appointment with the department.
Casual visits to hospital departments, including administration areas, nursing units or doctors’ lounges, are not permitted.
A copy of any follow-up correspondence to departments must be sent to the buyer responsible for the area.
All vendors shall attest to the Hospital’s Vaccination Policy, and have provided the hospital a signed attestation form. For more information click here.
Service or maintenance representatives can report directly to the areas needing such services as specified by the purchase order or service contract agreement.
Suppliers wishing to distribute gifts or samples to patients must request permission through the appropriate clinical director. Demonstration of product(s) should be scheduled through the purchasing department or pharmacy.
Parking is available in the parking garage located near the main entrance to the Hospital. The cost of parking is the vendor’s responsibility. Failure to follow parking regulations may result in a traffic ticket according to City bylaws.
Code of Ethics
Personal Integrity and Professionalism
All individuals act with:
- Integrity
- Professionalism
- Honesty
- Care
- Due diligence
- Respect
- Environmental best practices in mind
- Confidentiality
These qualities are integral to all supply chain activities within the hospital and between Broader Public Sector (BPS) organizations, suppliers and other stakeholders. Individuals do not engage in any activity that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest.
Accountability and Transparency
Supply chain activities are open and accountable. In particular, contracting and purchasing activities are fair, transparent and conducted with a view to obtaining the best value for public money. All participants ensure that public sector resources are used in a responsible, efficient and effective manner.
Compliance and Continuous Improvement
All individuals involved in purchasing or other supply chain related activities comply with hospital policy and the laws of Canada and Ontario. All individuals continuously work to improve policies and procedures, supply chain knowledge, skill levels, and share leading practices.