
At Joseph Brant Hospital we take our financial responsibilities seriously. Below you can read more about how we publically report on financial matters:

  • About Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010
  • Annual Reporting on Consultant Use
  • Attestations
  • BPSAA Expense Directive
  • BPSAA Procurement Directive
  • Executive & Board Expense Disclosure 
  • Expense Reimbursement Policy

The Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (BPSAA) was introduced on October 20, 2010 and received Royal Assent on December 8, 2010. The BPSAA established new rules and higher accountability standards for hospitals, Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) and broader public sector organizations.


  • Bans the practice of hiring lobbyists using public funds
  • Increases accountability for hospitals and LHINs
  • Establishes new procurement and expense rules for certain large BPS organizations
  • Adds accountability measures related to compliance and expenses rules
  • Brings hospitals under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)

You can get more information about BPSAA Legislation and Reporting Directives from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.

On April 1, 2011, all hospitals were subject to the following components of the BPSAA:

  • BPS Expense Directive
  • BPS Procurement Directive
  • Annual reporting on consultant use
  • Posting of expenses
  • Attestation related to compliance with reporting on use of consultants, lobbyist rules, expense claim and procurement directive

Each year in order to remain accountable to the public we report on the use of outside consultants. The documents posted contain the names of the firms, the types of contracts, the term and value of the contracts, how the firms were selected and whether there have been any modifications to the original contracts.

Attestations are related to compliance with reporting on use of consultants, lobbyist rules, expense claim and procurement directives.

Hospitals are required to submit attestations indicating compliance with the following requirements of BPSAA:

  • Completion and accuracy of reports required on the use of consultants
  • Compliance with the prohibition on engaging lobbyist services using public funds
  • Compliance with expense claims directives
  • Compliance with procurement directives

The reporting period the hospital is attesting to is April 1 to the following March 31. Attestations will be submitted on an annual basis and be due to the LHIN's by June 30th each year. Every hospital is required to post its board approved attestations on its public website by August 31st of each year for one year and archived after that time. Accessible formats are available upon request.

The BPSAA Expenses Directive improves accountability and transparency in the Broader Public Sector by:

  • Requiring designated BPS organizations to establish expense rules
  • Setting out requirements for what needs to be included in each organizations' expense rules

The requirements in the directive contribute to greater alignments with the high standards expected in ministries and agencies of the Government of Ontario.

More information on the BPSAA Expense Directive can be accessed through the Ministry of Government Services.

The purpose of the BPSAA Procurement Directive is:

  • To ensure that publicly funded goods and services, including construction, consulting services, and information technology are acquired by BPS organizations through a process that is open, fair, and transparent;
  • To outline responsibilities of BPS organizations throughout each stage of the procurement process; and
  • To ensure that procurement processes are managed consistently throughout the BPS.

More information on the BPS Procurement Directive can be accessed through the Ministry of Government Services website.


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines and standards for authorization and approval of perquisites. The term perquisites or perks, refers to a privilege that is provided to an individual or to a group of individuals, provides a personal benefit, and is not generally available to others.

This policy is designed to comply with the “Broader Public Sector Perquisites Directive” .

To remain transparent and accountable, Joseph Brant Hospital posts the records of perquisites and our policy pertaining to them on our website.

Joseph Brant Hospital is voluntarily disclosing Executive Employment Contract compensation details in alignment with our values to be transparent and accountable.

At Joseph Brant Hospital, strong leadership is an essential component of achieving our Vision. Our Executive Employment Contracts and compensation are based on the complexity of our healthcare system, the demands of the position, experience of the person in the job and comparable roles in the marketplace.

The following chart outlines executive compensation at Joseph Brant Hospital.  Definitions for interpretation can be found in the chart.

Public Sector Salary Disclosure

  • Public Sector Salary Disclosure 2024 (Disclosure for 2023)
  • All other years

In order to remain accountable and transparent, Joseph Brant Hospital posts all of the information related to expense reimbursement here on our website. Please read our Expense Reimbursement Policy for a detailed explanation of the rules that govern reimbursement.

Executive and Board Expense Disclosure

Our hospital supports the government's directive to publicly post business-related expenses claims made by our Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Board of Directors (BOD).

The business-related expenses identified by the government for public reporting fall under three categories:

  1. Meals
  2. Travel
  3. Hospitality

The expense reporting summaries are posted semi-annually. 

Accessible format available upon request.