New Graduate Initiative

Joseph Brant Hospital is a proud participant in HealthForceOntario's Nursing Graduate Guarantee for RNs and RPNs. Through the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, we provide an opportunity for new Ontario nursing graduates to gain full-time employment. 

New Graduates who complete the initiative and are successful will be offered permanent full-time positions with our clinical resource team and they are welcome to apply to other positions within the Hospital.

Am I eligible?

Please check the NGG guidelines for more information about your eligibility for the program.

How do I apply?

If you are interested in applying to the New Graduate Initiative with JBH please visit the Nurses' Career Start Gateway website as you are required to apply through the portal.

Joseph Brant Hospital typically posts positions on the HFO Portal in the Spring and Fall of each year with New Graduates starting at various times throughout the year. If there is no posting currently on the NGG website please check back regularly. 

Have you completed a clinical placement with JBH? 

In addition to applying through the HFO portal, please speak with the unit manager or Human Resources about your candidacy for the New Graduate Initiative at JBH.

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